Thursday, 21 June 2012

Lucywaffle said this to me..



  1. Dats Just Plan Mean I'ma Report Her On Msp.

  2. Lmao.
    Tawni, bullying is a one way thing.
    And if either of us was the bully, it'd be you by miles.
    Firstly, you decided you didn't think I was perfect.
    So YOU started it.
    And plus, your just upset that I've owned you again ;D

    1. It doesn't matter who started it, it's about who's going to end it. :)

      +Plus, the "retarded" bit is just 1) insensitive, and 2) childish. Retarded means mentally decieved. My grandad has dementia, which is a mental illness, so comments like "your retarded" to people which actually don't suffer at ALL with mental health issues make me really angry and upset.

      No matter what Tawni has said/done you don't go around making names for people because that doesn't make you any bigger/stronger than the opposistion. You cope, deal and handle it maturely and rationally.

      Learn your lesson, Because I could swear that this sort of spat happens with everyone you meet these days.

    2. Haha Lucy bitch please youre the real bully and the stalker. Youre perfect? Im gonna start crying of your yet again fail. Ownage? You call calling someone a retard and a pedophile owning? Theres this thing called a dictionary so maybe you should look up what you said then tell me if thats owning okay sweetheart? xoxo

  3. Lucy, We all now your lieing (:
