Monday, 18 June 2012

The Truth About Skull !!! + Im Lvl 15 xD

Well, Yay I'm lvl 15!!!!! Ty everyone ily all if it wasn't for your views, your autos, your room likes, look likes, artbook likes, blah blah blah.xP I would still be stuck on lvl 15 ;D  To happiness at once, I'm lvl 15 and Bumble bee and me and dating xD Idgaf if you say ima lez cos lol you don't have the guts to :L And waitin for a guy is just crap. 1. All guys on msp are gay. No offence but they are. :/ 2. They say there badmans but like why would a badman play this ting? Exactly ;)  3. MOST OF THEM WEAR GIRL CLOTHES. 4. Erm, can they work on clothes cos eww. 5. Most boys on msp are taken. Now is it only me that thinks we have not had a proper lvl 20+ boy on msp yet? Most of them wear girl clothes like wtf. Or they cheat. So i'm waitin for the day...
Ok so yay I'm lvl 15 and ilysfm bumble bee <3

Now about skull !!! err mofo :L So as soon as I turn to hot lvl 15, Skull !!! comes online and this is what happened:                                                                                        

Ermmmm I was kind of over reacting when I said see loves you. Cos she didn't... She told me. Like who would love you. I still gave you a chance I fought u would had changed after everything between you and lucky lily but ur the same old ugly boy ;)  I am actually proud that this happened or else you would have still be datin minny and still would have used her. Skull !!! I hope you neva get to lvl 15. You neva deserve it. :L Lol @ when you said you were gettin bullied, hmm actually I have a pic of that crap... one sec.. ;)

LMFAO. And now ur the one said u get bullied? LOL. Bbz, they don't bully u. They HATE u. ;)  Now this is what he writes on his wall about me,

Click to enlarge xP Erm, 'Hi :(  tawni was cursing' Then after 1 post he said ':P'  So are you sad or happy? Uh drama... :L 'H8 u tawni ;) Go fall in a volcano :)'  Wink? Wtf bruv don't wink at me. Skett. And tellin ppl to fall in a volcano & smiling. You need help. Erm but I think I owned him  properly on his wall ;) You can check it out if you want :L
Ty once again for helpin moi to lvl 15 ily all except for lucywaffle, cheekiescharls and Skull !!!
Cyah xP

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